The Difference Between Expectations and Standards: Why You Should Care

Expectations and standards often get lumped under the same category, however, there are stark differences.  Whether we realize it or not, we tend to use both when evaluating people, places, things or experiences.  A standard is a level of quality that you deem acceptable.  An expectation is believing that something will happen or someone will do something in the future.  Specifically in regards to relationships it's important to keep the two separate.

Having standards for a partner is perfectly healthy.  In fact, everyone should have a certain set of standards that they hold in regard when deciding who to settle with.  This ensures that you are pairing with someone you can respect, admire and feel compelled to grow with.  On the other hand, having expectations for a partner can be a cause of friction or underlying resentment if your mate does not live up to what you believe they should be.  Now that you have a clear understanding of standards and expectations you can use more awareness with your significant other which can only help to strengthen your relationship.

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