Rule Of Choices; How Decision Making Has Dramatically Changed In The Digital Age

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Have you ever experienced a phenomenon called analysis paralysis? It essentially means that you fail to make a decision because you are overwhelmed with so many options to choose from, so you just freeze. In a world where everyone and everything is reachable through technology, the need to streamline making choices has become prevalent. Whatever it is you want whether that's choosing dinner, making a purchase, planning a trip, changing careers, building a relationship, etc. it's important not to waste an excess amount of time or headspace on things. It absolutely can be exhausting. Eventually though, you just need to come to a conclusion one way or the other so you can feel less stuck in the moment and move on with your life.  

However, in times of higher tension putting a decision off for a little to give yourself a break is certainly okay, but it should also be kept in the back of your mind that you intend to decide when you are feeling calmer. Otherwise you end up with what seem like endless thought loops around whatever topic it is you are toiling over. I can understand that position as well as how exhausting it can be. 

One thing you can do is set boundaries with decision making.  For example, give yourself a time limit, a spending limit, an item limit etc. to give some structure to what can feel like chaos when you have so many options to choose between. In fact, there was a book written called Paradox of Choice by Dr. Barry Schwartz that outlines the more choices you are given the less satisfied you are with whatever you choose. This is because it illuminates the grass is greener on the other side syndrome. So by finding a way to narrow your choices you begin to simplify your life.

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