A Guide To Talking To Your Partner About Emotions

I say it all the time. Communication is the backbone of any relationship. However, for many, it can be one of the hardest things to do. To bring a thought or feeling from the inside out into the open can evoke feelings of fear and worry in even the toughest of individuals. Why does this happen when we are su…

Rule Of Choices; How Decision Making Has Dramatically Changed In The Digital Age

Photo by victortsu on flickr.com  Have you ever experienced a phenomenon called analysis paralysis ? It essentially means that you fail to make a decision because you are overwhelmed with so many options to choose from, so you just freeze. In a world where everyone and everything is reachable through technol…

Why It's Easy to Compare Yourself to Others But You Shouldn't

Comparing yourself to others is a part of being human. You can't just turn off your eyes and not see what the world around you beholds. However, be mindful that it's often said comparison is the thief of all joy. How can you be happy if you're never satisfied in the moment where you're at? I&…

The Difference Between Expectations and Standards: Why You Should Care

Expectations and standards often get lumped under the same category, however, there are stark differences.  Whether we realize it or not, we tend to use both when evaluating people, places, things or experiences.  A standard is a level of quality that you deem acceptable.  An expectation is believing that so…

5 Ways to Kickstart Goal Setting

Everyone has hopes and dreams, but varying degrees of motivation can be the difference between achievement and failure.  When you want to give up is usually when you are closest to your success.  Setting goals can give you a short-term and long-term roadmap to whatever it is you are trying to achieve.   1. …